KAWAII, я тоже так думаю. Пусть тапками не кидают
Мне ещё давно одна очень грамотная иммунолог рассказывала, что при элиминации вируса АТ должны снижаться, правда речь была не именно о гепСе, а в целом о вирусах ВЭБ, ЦМВ и в принципе о природе вируса. Она очень убежденно рассказывала, что на протяжении 20 лет работы, наблюдая за своими пациентами без сомнения может сказать, что при победе организма над вирусом (с помощью лекарств или иммунитета, не важно,) АТ исчезают вовсе.
Changes in Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibody Status in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C after Eradication of HCV Infection by Interferon Therapy
Results. For grade of HCV antibody determined by RIBA, the most significant decrease was observed with anti-NS5 antibody, followed by anti-NS4, anti-NS3, and anti-core antibodies, in that order. Tests for anti-NS5 and anti-NS4 antibodies had negative results in almost 50% of patients 10 years after eradication of HCV. In contrast, the results of tests for anti-core antibody were still markedly positive in most patients. However, anti-core antibody titer decreased continuously during the 10-year follow-up period. Antibodies to the NS4 region specific for HCV genotypes 1 and 2 also decreased during the follow-up period. Differences in the rate at which antibody titers decreased were observed between antibodies for genotypes 1 and 2; as a consequence, the serological type of HCV changed during the follow-up period in some patients.
Conclusions. HCV antibody titer appears to continue to decrease during the 10 years after eradication of HCV by IFN therapy. Этой информацией со мной поделились (не сама нашла).